Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

United Kingdom - University of Aberdeen PhD Studentship in Developmental Biology

Regulation of the Drosophila Cellular Immune Response by the Nucleokinesis Complex

Evidence is mounting that during attachment or encapsulation events leukocytes, platelets, and insect haemocytes use the same adhesion complexes as epithelial and neuronal cells. In mammalian neuronal cells a nucleokinesis complex regulates nuclear migration. There is mounting evidence that this same apparatus is important in regulating Drosophila circulating immunosurveillance cell (haemocyte) activity.

The key question of this study is to ask how the nucleokinesis complex regulates embryonic haemocyte migration.

Fees will be paid at UK/EU rates only. Candidates must be UK citizens or EU citizens who have resided in the UK for three years, and should hold, or expect to obtain, a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree or a Masters degree or an equivalent qualification

Commences October 2009

For more information email Dr. Michael Williams at m.j.williams[ at ]abdn.ac.uk


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