Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Edward Boyle Memorial Trust Medical Elective Bursaries 2009/2010

The Edward Boyle Memorial Trust is offering Medical Elective Bursaries for senior medical students from United Kingdom medical faculties/schools, to assist them to spend their elective period in a developing country within the Commonwealth.

# Value and tenure: Edward Boyle Bursaries have a maximum value of £500; they are offered with tenure at any time between 1 May 2009 and 31 May 2010. Their purpose is to enable medical students in Britain to gain, during their elective period, practical experience in developing Commonwealth countries (particularly those that are Least Developed or Specially Disadvantaged) and, by doing so, to help understaffed hospitals in those countries. The Bursaries are intended to cover part of the student’s travel, subsistence and local costs, and payment will be made directly to the students selected.
# History: Edward Boyle Medical Elective Bursaries are funded from an endowment left to the Association of Commonwealth Universities from the Edward Boyle Memorial Trust, founded in memory of Sir Edward Charles Gurney Boyle (1923-1981), so that United Kingdom medical scholars would benefit from elective periods in developing commonwealth countries.
# Method of Application: Applications must be submitted in the first instance to the Medical Dean of your medical school and NOT to the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). After considering applications, each Medical Dean may recommend not more than one candidate to the ACU office. Please contact your Medical Dean / Elective Co-ordinator for an application form and not ACU.
# Closing Date: Please see the Medical Dean who will set the University internal deadline. Official closing date for receipt of applications from the Medical Dean to the ACU is 31 January 2009. The decisions of the ACU’s selection committee will be announced in April 2009. Please click here for more information on Lord Boyle and the The Edward Boyle Memorial Trust.

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