Selasa, 20 Januari 2009

Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship 2009

Apply for the Emerson Fellowship!

Do you want to spend a year fighting hunger and poverty with a tight-knit community of emerging leaders? Emerson Hunger Fellows shape and implement local anti-hunger programs all over the U.S., and then research and provide support for national policy initiatives in Washington, D.C. Read on for application instructions, or download application instructions. Applications are encouraged from candidates reflecting diverse personal, educational, cultural, and experiential backgrounds.

Application Materials

Applications to the Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship will be accepted via email only. Applications should consist of one MS Word document, three pages in length: the first page should be your resume, the second page your personal statement, and the third page your answers to the two short essay questions. Please give your document the filename Last name_First name_Middle initial.doc, attach it to your email, and send it to by January 22, 2009. Note: Please make sure that it is saved as .doc and NOT .docx.

Resume: Please be certain to include your email address and phone number. (maximum length one page)

Personal Statement: What values, principles, and personal factors (social, economic, and cultural) have shaped your interest in participating in the Emerson Hunger Fellows Program? What particular qualities, knowledge, and experience will you contribute to your field and policy placements? How do you expect this fellowship to contribute to your professional goals?

Short Essay Questions:
1. What specific professional skills have you acquired that would be most beneficial in the fellowship?
2. What role do you believe the government plays or should play in ending hunger?

Two letters of recommendation: Please ask your recommenders to evaluate your written and oral communication skills, demonstrated leadership qualities or experience, and professional skills, if applicable. Letters should include a telephone number and email address, and should be sent by the recommender via email to, via fax to 202-547-7575, or via post to:

Emerson Selection Committee
Congressional Hunger Center
Hall of the States Building
400 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite G100
Washington, D.C. 20001

Criteria for Selection

* Commitment to social justice
* Demonstrated leadership qualities and skills
* Bachelor’s degree
* U.S. citizenship or permanent residency
* Flexibility and ability to adjust to new situations
* Creativity and initiative in problem solving
* Willingness to learn from experts in the field, and commitment to the search for new models in anti-hunger and anti-poverty work

Application Timeline

January 22, 2009 : Applications Due
February & March 2009 : Interviews with semi-finalists (via telephone and/or in person in Washington, D.C.)
April 2009 : Notification of Emerson Fellows Class of 2009-2010
Late August/Early September : 16th Class Fellows begin their service

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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