Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
Scholarship Info group in Interaction Design at the Department of Applied IT, Chalmers University of Technology
home scholarship PhD student position in energy and environment
PhD student position in energy and environment: Technology assessment from a risk and sustainability perspective
PhD scholarship in Host-virus Interactions at Technical University
A 3 year PhD position studying host-virus interactions in rainbow trout is available at the National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The place of work is Aarhus, Division of Poultry, Fish and Fur Animals. The candidate will be linked to the Research Group for Fish Immunology and Vaccinology.
The PhD project is an integrated part of a larger National Research project with focus on co-evolutionary aspects of host and virus on both genetic and phenotypic levels. The project will include shorter stays at research institutes outside of Denmark. Read the rest of this entry »
Scholarship Info Doctoral position ‘Agricultural function of grassland biodiversity in productive farming systems
Read the rest of this entry »
Scholarship Info University of Cambridge Munby Fellowship in Bibliography
The Library Syndicate invite applications for the Munby Fellowship in Bibliography, tenable for the academical year 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012.
The Munby Fellow will be free to pursue bibliographical research of his/her own choosing. It is, however, expected that the Fellow’s research will be, at least in part, based directly or indirectly on the collections of the University and Colleges of Cambridge and likely to be of benefit, in the broadest sense, to scholars using those collections in the future. The Fellow will have no departmental or other staff duties and responsibilities. Read the rest of this entry »
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Scholarship Office | The University of New Mexico
When most people think of college scholarships, they think of awards given to college freshmen based on applications submitted during their senior years of high school. While many scholarships do fit this description, this is by no means the case for all awards. In fact, there is free money awarded to students at every grade level.
A few scholarships will have open eligibility, allowing anyone who meets basic requirements to apply, whether they are high school (or even middle school) students, college students, or graduate or professional students. Many such awards may be sweepstakes contests, or awards based on specific activities, such as community service. Others may divide awards by grade level or age group and give out multiple scholarship prizes. These allow for a broad appeal but still ensure that students with more educational experience and therefore stronger academic skills don’t have an unfair advantage when it comes to winning scholarships.
Many providers limit scholarships by grade level
More commonly, though, scholarships are targeted to specific age groups or grade levels. These might range in specificity from a scholarship for high school juniors born in a particular calendar year to a scholarship for anyone who is currently enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or professional program. While scholarship competitions that limit eligibility to students in a particular grade in high school or year in college are fairly common, more general eligibility categories are probably what you’re likely to see the most.
By limiting their eligibility requirements to one group of students, scholarship providers are ensuring that students who take the time to enter their contest are competing with students of similar levels of educational attainment. This can help ensure a high quality pool of applicants, and also assist scholarship providers in judging the submitted applications more fairly. For example, mistakes that are common and easily forgiven in an essay by a high school junior are not so common or easily forgiven in an essay by a doctoral student.
Scholarships for High School Students
Scholarships for high school students are probably the most common category of scholarships by grade level. High school students are planning on starting college for the first time and likely don’t have other sources of funding lined up. Scholarships for high school students, therefore, are creating an investment in a student right at the beginning of his or her academic career and are providing funding that is likely desperately sought.
Scholarships for Undergraduate Students
Not everyone has four years of funding locked in when they arrive on campus the first day, and many students may find themselves continuing their scholarship search throughout all four years of college. Unexpected expenses arise, grades fluctuate, and plans change as students spend time in school, so a student who may not have been a prime candidate for a scholarship as a high school student may become one as a college sophomore or junior. Many scholarship providers recognize these changes and have created scholarships for undergraduate students who are successfully continuing their studies beyond the first year of college.
Scholarships for Graduate Students
While less common than the other varieties, scholarships for graduate students are available. Graduate students typically rely heavily on fellowships or assistantships, but these aren’t available to everyone and don’t always cover a graduate student’s living expenses. Therefore, a number of scholarship providers are willing to help graduate students finish the last leg of their educational journeys by providing a bit of extra funding.
Other Resources
To help get you started exploring the scholarship opportunities available to students at your particular juncture in life, check out our free resources on scholarships by grade level listed above. These resources come in addition to other sections of our site that break down scholarships by location, by major, or by type. To get the most customized list of scholarship awards, though, you will want to fill out a profile on Scholarships.com and conduct a free college scholarship search. This will match you with scholarship opportunities relevant to you, whatever your grade level may be.
Scholarships for the CFA Program are available on a limited basis through some universities
Welcome to the Scholarship Office Google Page. We are Jennifer Giannini and Pat Gustorf and we both are beginning our 20th year at St. Mary's High School. We welcome you to browse our site for scholarship information both for seniors and grades 9,10, and 11. We also will keep you posted with fundraising plans and dates to remember.
Please check here on a regular basis for scholarship information, deadline dates and announcements.
Click on information on the left for updates.
Scholarships are listed below by deadline dates.
Our e-mail addresses are:
jgiannini@saintmaryshighschool.org and
Or, call us at 957-3340 ext. 121
Please check here on a regular basis for scholarship information, deadline dates and announcements.
This is the official FAFSA website. Other websites will charge a fee for filling out the FAFSA, this site is free. Begin the application process by applying for a PIN number for both the student and one parent. You can obtain both PIN numbers now for the following school year. The filing date for the following school year 2010/2011 begins on January 1st, 2010. The deadline for FAFSA application in MARCH 2nd, 2010.
NOTE: Some private schools also require a CSS profile form which can be obtained at http://profileonline.collegeboard.com/index.jsp.
Some schools also have an earlier FAFSA deadline date. It is best to check with each school you are applying.
Scholarships information for current and prospective Curtin students
Julie Gilbert
Julie Gilbert, former senior vice-president of Best Buy
You can read more about Julie Gilbert who was featured in Issue 1 of The Royal Neighbor magazine.
Julie Gilbert heads a thriving business called WOLF Means Business that combines business strategy with a strong belief in people and a passion for the possible. Her innovative ideas help grow businesses and inspire individuals to contribute more to their jobs, communities, others, and themselves.
Julie’s leadership style
I get energy by bringing as many people as possible into the vision I’ve created and making the vision big enough that it’s all-inclusive for people to create growth in business and within themselves.
As an example: At one point in my career, I had to create one of five project teams. I didn’t have an assistant to help, and I didn’t have an executive title to use to encourage participation.
So I positioned myself at the company coffee shop and engaged people for two days. I asked about their passions and what they liked to do. If they were a fit for the team, I invited them to join. As a result, I had people who were unbelievably passionate because they got to do what they loved to do every single day as a member of my team.
Their quality of work was off the charts and we were one of the most successful teams.
Julie’s success
I’ve been successful because, being raised by two entrepreneurial parents, I was taught very early that finance is the language of business. I learned how to build a business, what a profit and loss statement is and what a balance sheet looks like. I know that business is about building and nurturing relationships, a good work ethic, and understanding finance.
I started out as a CPA. That gave me a good foundation about finance that has been a powerful asset because it gave me the confidence to talk about financial issues that put me on par with my male colleagues.
WOLF Means Business
We are a consulting firm that helps transform businesses to better serve women. We work with companies and map out the strategy of the potential gain they could achieve by focusing on the female consumer. In almost every case, companies can potentially achieve billions of dollars in revenue.
Female employees at all levels work with female consumers to reinvent companies from the outside in and inside out. These women come up with some phenomenal ideas for new products and services.
Giving back plays a large role in our business, too. We try to inspire people to feel better about themselves and know they are valued and they matter. This empowers them to change their lives.
We are passionate about changing the world with women because women not only change the world for themselves, but for their children, husbands, and communities.
We also use our resources to build awareness of breast cancer and domestic violence, which affect women so critically.
How women can make their mark in the world
Have confidence in yourselves and take others with you. Realize that you have so much to give, support each other, and give back. We’re all in this together. We have an obligation to do better, stand up and lead, and step up to the podium and make it happen.
Scholarships for the CFA Program are available on a limited basis through some universities and CFA Institute local Member Societies. Information about these scholarships can be obtained from the CFA Institute website.
CFA Singapore Bursary-Scholarship
CFA Singapore offers awards equivalent to the value of the candidate fees paid to CFA Institute less US$225 and/or book prizes.
The award criteria include, but are not limited to:
a) Membership or participation in CFA Singapore Review Programme;
b) Scholastic abilities;
c) Financial need;
d) An interview by CFA Singapore Candidate Programs Committee (for shortlisted candidates only);
e) Write the June/December CFA examination;
Interested applicants can request for an application form from info@cfasingapore.org
A total of 10 or more Bursary-Scholarships will be awarded each year. You may download the application form here.
CFA Program
Learn more from CFA Institute about the CFA designation and its significance.
* CFA Program Website
* CFA Candidate Toolkit
* CFA Fact Sheets
Forest Home's Scholarship Guidelines
Sitting in the boys’ living room with their mother and hearing about the scholarships and honors Austin and Tyler Burdick will be taking with them to the University of Virginia in the fall, a less intrepid reporter might wonder just where these Flint Hill kids went to high school.
The answer to such a dumb question, of course, would be: right here.
“This room probably more than others,” says Tyler, who, though identical to his 18-year-old brother, is wearing a slightly different jersey bearing the insignia of the University — where both boys also have earned scholarships to play polo. “But really the whole house has been our classroom — and the whole farm.”
Yes, intrepid one, the Burdicks were in fact home-schooled since the beginning of their school days by parents Todd and Jane Burdick on the Crest Hill Road farm where the family raises sheep and horses, and where Todd Burdick bases his equine veterinary practice.
Theirs is a success story — between them, the two won nearly a dozen scholarships — not always told by those who choose the harder road that homeschooling presents.
“I’m sure there were certain aspects of things we may have missed [not attending a school],” Tyler says, smiling as he politely answers another intrepid question. “But I feel I’ve learned a lot more here than I could have otherwise.”
Austin puts his finger on it. “We were able to accomplish much more here because we had the freedom to study what we wanted — and that does take discipline.”
Mother Jane is smiling and nodding.
The Burdicks graduate summa cum laude this month from a novel Catholic-Igniatian-Classical/Great Books program administered by Kolbe Academy in Napa, Calif. — but carried out by their parents, with help from local artists and additional coursework at Lord Fairfax Community College’s Middletown campus.
Virginia was the boys’ first choice, but they were also accepted at Cornell and Texas A&M. Austin will probably major in chemistry, Tyler in biology, but they both have interests in a business curriculum. Both are minoring in art.
Among other awards, the two each won $1,000 National Society of High School Scholars National Scholar Awards, selected from among 12,000 applicants for excellence in academics, leadership and community service. Claes Nobel, senior member of the family that established the Nobel prizes and founder of. the Scholar Awards, said: “I am deeply honored to recognize Austin and Tyler as two of our most outstanding students.”
Tyler’s awards include a $1,000 Most Valuable Student contest award from the Virginia Elks Association; a $1,000 Mary NcNeil Willis Scholarship from the Culpeper Regional Hospital Auxiliary; $2,000 as a national regional finalist in the Young Epidemiology Scholars Competition, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the College Board.
Austin garnered a $1,000 Best Buy @15 Scholarship for academic achievement and community service; a Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District scholarship; a Windmore Foundation for the Arts $1,000 Dorothy Skelton Art Scholarship to continue his education in the visual arts; a $1,000 Lee-Jackson Scholarship from the Lee-Jackson Educational Foundation for his essay, “Reverence and Resolve: The Forces Guiding Thomas Jackson,” and the Jeff MacNelly Art Award commemorating the former Rappahannock resident and three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, from the Headwaters Foundation.
Ask the boys if they’d consider pursuing the same path in the future for their own kids, and Tyler says, intrepidly:
“Our parents have been super-supportive of us, but it’s been a huge commitment for them. I’m . . . not sure I could do what they’ve done.”
Jane Burdick says the boys’ dad directed the boys’ schooling through seventh-grade, while she worked full time at Fauquier Hospital; after that, she took over.
“We are so grateful to these organizations for the opportunities they’re giving the boys to fund their education,” she says. “And for families that may be contemplating homeschooling, especially high school homeschooling, this shows that — it can be done! Your kids can be selected to attend their school of choice, they can qualify for scholarships — athletic as well as academic. You can do it!”
Scholarships Free College Scholarship Search
The Office of Admissions along with the Office of Financial Aid administer the majority of Scholarships at the University of New Mexico. Scholarships are traditionally known as merit based, and a competitive process usually accompanies the activities surrounding selection and monitoring of the various programs. Major responsibilities and duties within the scholarship structure deal with the formation of student programs and the administration of these programs.
Specifically, there are four major scholarship functions for which these offices are responsible:
* Institutional Scholarships include, but are not limited to: the Regents', National, Presidential, UNM Scholars, Omega, PACE and Transfer Scholarships. These programs are funded by several sources, including outside private donations;
* State Funded Scholarships include, but are not limited to: NM Legislative Lottery Scholarship, Amigo and NM Scholars. These programs are funded by the state of New Mexico;
* Departmental Scholarships are selected at the department levels, but the actual student awarding and administration is handled within this office;
* Private and Outside Scholarships include hundreds of programs which flow through our process. These programs are also selected by outside mechanisms, but are ultimately included in our scholarship process.
Overall, these offices oversee the administration of over 50 million dollars in scholarships awarded each year at the University of New Mexico.
The Scholarship Office administers the University scholarship program
Funding - Though German Universities charge a very minimal tuition fee, students are still advised to plan their budget considering other general living expenses, boarding and lodging, insurance, books etc. A scholarship or grant may be the answer for those who dont have the necessary financial resources. A look at the DAAD scholarship database will show you what DAAD has to offer. But remember, numerous other institutions and organisations can also help you finance your studies. For more information on funding programmes visit the to Germany >> Funding section.
Scholarship Programmes & Application Procedure
This section has documents in Adobe PDF format, containing information about our fellowship programmes available to scholars / students. Your computer should have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed for you to be able to open these documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of cost from www.adobe.com.
Please read the program information carefully, making sure you MEET ALL THE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS before you apply. Step by step instructions for applying are there. Also download the format of RECOMMENDATION LETTER by clicking here.
Individual Scholarship Programmes
Programme Application Deadline
Working Internships in Science and Engineering (WISE) List of Institutions
Form-German Host
University Summer Courses (Essay Competition)
DAAD IAESTE Internship Programme Announcement 2010
Summer Jobs in Germany Application Form
Study visits/Study Seminars & Practicals
Graduates/Doctoral Students
Programme Application Deadline
Sandwich Model Scholarships for Masters' Students of IITs Online Application
Sandwich Model Scholarships for Masters' Students of IIMs
List of offers
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships
List of offers Refer to offers
Conflict Studies and Management Programme Master/PhD
Masters' Scholarships in Public Policy & Good Governance 31st Aug
Postgraduate Courses with Relevance to Developing Countries Application form
Courses 2010 31st July
PhD Scholarships 1st October
Sandwich Model Scholarships for PhD Registered Scholars 1st October
Short term Scholarships for PhD Registered Scholars/ M. Phil (German Studies) 1st October
Post Docs and Senior Scientists
Programme Application
Study and Research Scholarships - Megacities of Tomorrow Online Application 30th September
Conflict Studies and Management Programme Research Fellows
Research Scholarships for Young Researchers & Recent Post Doctoral Scholars
Research Stays
Re-inivitation Programme for Former DAAD Scholarship holders Application Form
Guest Lecturership for Indian Professors at German Universities Contact DAAD Bonn 15th July : Summer Semester
15th Jan : Winter Semester
Project/ Cooperation Based Programmes
Academic Exchange & Indo-German Projects
Programme Application Deadline
DAAD-DST Project based
Personnel Exchange Program(PPP) www.dst.gov.in Deadline Over
DAAD-UGC Project based
Personnel Exchange Programme(PPP) www.ugc.ac.in Deadline Over
DAAD-DST Exchange of Senior Scientists Application Form Deadline Over
DAAD-UGC Exchange of Senior Scientists Application Form Deadline Over
DAAD-CSIR Exchange of Senior Scientists Contact Info
IIT Faculty Exchange Programme Info
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
home scholarship Postdoc Position in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry at Technical University of Denmark
Eligible candidates
- Candidates should have a PhD degree in chemistry with a strong theoretical and experimental background in organic chemistry
- A strong commitment to research
- Independence and good communication skills
- Applicants should have a thorough interest in organic synthesis. The position offers an opportunity to work on an international, dynamic, multi-disciplinary project.
In the assessment of the candidates consideration will be given to:
Relevance of background experience
Proficiency in written and spoken English and good communication skills
Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union. The position is available for 12 months from July 1, 2010.
Further information
For additional information please contact Associate Professor Mads H. Clausen, tel: +45 45252131 .
Application procedure
We must have your online application by 7 June 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV and copies of relevant diplomas. The material that should be given consideration in the assessment must be attached.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Postdoctoral Position in THz Phtonics at Technical University of Denmark
Within the project, the successful candidate will be involved in advanced modelling of radiation coupling between free space and wavelength-dimensioned devices, design of practical structures, and optical characterization.
Eligible candidates
We are seeking a candidate with experience in 3D modelling of photonic elements operating at THz frequencies, advanced THz measurement techniques, and experience with femtosecond fiber laser systems.
Candidates must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent).
Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.
Further information
Further information may be obtained from Professor Peter Uhd Jepsen, tel.: +45 4525 5711 +45 4525 5711 .
You can read more about DTU Fotonik on www.fotonik.dtu.dk.
Application procedure
We must have your online application by June 9 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application letter, CV and list of publications.The material that should be given consideration in the assessment must be attached.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Intestinal Microbiota at Techinical University of Denmark
Responsibilities and tasks
The new Senior Researcher will be part of a research group currently employing approximately 12 persons. The focus of the group is on interactions between diet and intestinal microbiota, and on interaction between the intestinal microbes and the host organism.
You will become a key person in the research, teaching and advisory functions of the group. You will be responsible for initiation of new research projects, and you will participate in ongoing projects. Additionally, you will contribute to the advisory task and teaching responsibilities of the department. The advisory tasks of the research group primarily involves risk assessment of applied microorganisms (microbial plant protection, fermenting strains and probiotics) requested by national and international regulatory bodies. Teaching of students on bachelor, master and PhD level, as well as arrangement of courses offered by DTU Food is also part of the responsibilities of the group.
Eligible candidates
We are looking for a person with some years of experience after the PhD degree, and with practical experience in molecular microbiology. Knowledge about microbial ecology and bacterial interactions will be an advantage. Knowledge about intestinal microbiology, pro- and prebiotics and/or microbial plant protection is desirable, but not an obligate request.
For a position as Senior Researcher the candidate must have academic qualifications equivalent to those obtained by holding a post as Scientist or Postdoc.
We offer a place in a research group with an inspiring environment, lots of interesting ongoing research projects, and good colleges. You should be prepared to explore possibilities for new research projects as well as to contribute to the ongoing projects. You should be comfortable with dealing with many different tasks in parallel, and with an ever-changing environment. It is important that you have excellent communication skills, written as well as orally. Experience with advisory service is desirable, but not a must.
In the assessment of the candidates consideration will be given to
- scientific production and research potential at an international level
- the ability to promote and utilize research results
- an all-round experience basis, preferably including international experience
- the ability to contribute to development of the department’s internal and external cooperation
Salary and terms and employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.
Further information
For further information please contact: Professor and Research Leader Tine Rask Licht, +45 35887186 , or Head of Research, Bjarke Bak Christensen +45 7234 7188 .
Application procedure:
We must have your online application no later than 10 june 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application (in English), CV, a list of publications indicating scientific highlights, and eventual documentation for experience with teaching and advising.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
PhD position in marine environmental sensor development, Technical University Berlin
The project aims to develop and test in-situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) instrumentation. One task focuses on the development and characterization of SERS active substrates and the other task is to build an underwater-system with improved laser and detection technology for long-term deployment. The system will be tested and deployed in cooperation with SENSEnet partners.
Program Description
Based on the extensive experience of the laser spectroscopy group in marine research, the candidate will be enabled to apply recently developed microsystem laser sources for new in-situ Raman techniques in different spectral regions. This will allow the detection of e.g. organic pollutants in seawater with previously unmatched precision and sensitivity to be tested and verified. Moreover, novel detection approaches like using long optical fibers (length of several kilometers) for deep-sea investigations e.g. on the seafloor were recently applied at TU Berlin in preliminary tests and show great potential for further research. For more details see also:
Shifted excitation resonance Raman difference spectroscopy using a microsystem light source at 488 nm M. Maiwald, K. Sowoidnich, H. Schmidt, B. Sumpf, G. Erbert, H.-D. Kronfeldt (M.S. Kim, Shu-I Tu, K. Chao, eds) Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies VII, 7673, Proceedings of SPIE, (2010)
Investigations for real-time Raman measurements in the deep-ocean by applying a 1.5 W BA DFB diode laser and long optical fibers H.-D. Kronfeldt, M. Maiwald, H. Ahmad, H. Schmidt, K. Wohlfart, B. Sumpf, A. Klehr, G. Erbert (M.S. Kim, Shu-I Tu, K. Chao, eds) Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing Technologies VII, 7673, Proceedings of SPIE, (2010)
Microsystem 671 nm light source for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy M. Maiwald, H. Schmidt, B. Sumpf, G. Erbert, H.-D. Kronfeldt, G. Tränkle, Applied Optics, 48, Issue 15, 2789 - 2792 (2009)
The Use of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for Detection of Organic Pollutants in Costal Waters J. Pfannkuche, PhD thesis, Polish Academy of Sciences (2009)
Rapid shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy with a distributed feedback diode laser emitting at 785 nm, M. Maiwald, G. Erbert, A. Klehr, H.-D. Kronfeldt, H. Schmidt, B. Sumpf, G. Tränkle, Appl. Phys. B 85, 509 - 512 (2006)
See also: http://www.ioap.tu berlin.de/menue/arbeitsgruppen/ag_kronfeldt/veroeffentlichungen/publikationen/
The successful candidate should be prepared for a transnational research stay in Germany and has to meet the conditions of the Marie Curie early stage research (ESR) fellowship.
Application Deadline: 30/06/2010
The three-year grant is to be started as soon as possible. Enquiries and applications can be made to Dr. Heinz-Detlef Kronfeldt (kf@physik.tu-berlin.de).
Technical University Berlin
email kf@physik.tu-berlin.de
How to Encourage Girls' Scholarization
The main aim is to conduct the state-of-the-art research by 12 young scientists during the preparation of their PhD theses. At the same time the programme aims at intensifying international cooperation of the Polish research units. Within the scope of the programme the Foundation covers the stipends for PhD students and research grants including the costs resulting from international cooperation.
The project is planned for 12 PhD students.
The succesful candidate will receive personal stipends amounting to 3000 PLN a month.
During the visit at partner laboratories abroad the stipend will be increased up to 4500 PLN.
Those Phd students who need additional social security will receive additional 500 PLN
to cover the latter costs.
Successful candidates will undersign separate agreements with Foundation for Polish Science which will supply the stipends directly to PhD students.
Research grant
The project includes a research grant not exceeding 35 000 PLN yearly/per person (each PhD student). These funds are used for international cooperation (costs of travel), research apparata, computers, office materials, and others.
The project is run in University of Gdańsk by two Institutes:
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics)
Institute of Experimental Physics
The adress of both institutes is: ul. Wita Stwosza 57, 80-952 Gdańsk, POLAND
The candidates - what is expected ?
The project is addressed, first of all, to graduates of physics and technical physics. On the other hand, the candidates who studied mathematics, biophysics, computer science, astrophysics, astronomy may also be candidates. We welcome open-minded people.
The project is devoted to very modern applications of the quantum mechanics. Therefore, it is expected that the candidates would have good understanding of quantum mechanics. There are, however theoreticaal and experimental subproject, so there is no needed to be scared.
We believe that well-motivated candidates can learn fast and get the necessary knowledge quite quickly. If necessary we shall try to be not only scientific supervisors but also mentors and techers. Seminars and other activities would allow the candidates to refresh the necessary grasp of physics and quantum mechanics.
The project is “international”. Thus, good command of English is required. It is necessary to communicate with foreign collaborators, to study the literature (in fact, there are essentially no source in the language other than English).
Finally, the LaTeX (or equivalent) typesetting method seems to be a standard. It is expected that the candidates would possess the knowledge of this method of preparing the publication of their results.
The first recruitment is planned to occur in the end of June 2010. It is estimated that 6 candidates will be accepted. The second recruitment is planned at the end of the first reporting period, that is, at most, in mid-September 2010. The full recruitment should be ended At the end of September. The candidates will receive the first stipend in October 2010 (the last month of the first reporting period).
More information: Aneta Michałkiewicz, PhD
tel. +48 22 423 14 06 , +48 22 424 03 06 e-mail: fundusze@fnp.org.pl
Source: http://iftia9.univ.gda.pl/~MPD/Candidates/general.html