Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Postdoctoral Position in THz Phtonics at Technical University of Denmark

At the Department of Photonics Engineering we are seeking a candidate for a postdoctoral fellowship for the duration of 21 months, starting August 1 2010. The successful applicant will participate in the EU-funded project TREASURE which aims at the development of terahertz room-temperature integrated parametric sources.

Within the project, the successful candidate will be involved in advanced modelling of radiation coupling between free space and wavelength-dimensioned devices, design of practical structures, and optical characterization.

Eligible candidates

We are seeking a candidate with experience in 3D modelling of photonic elements operating at THz frequencies, advanced THz measurement techniques, and experience with femtosecond fiber laser systems.

Candidates must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent).

Salary and terms of employment

The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union.

Further information

Further information may be obtained from Professor Peter Uhd Jepsen, tel.: +45 4525 5711 +45 4525 5711 .

You can read more about DTU Fotonik on

Application procedure

We must have your online application by June 9 2010. Please open the link "apply for this job online" and fill in the application form and attach your application letter, CV and list of publications.The material that should be given consideration in the assessment must be attached.

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

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