Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

How to Encourage Girls' Scholarization

International PhD Project in Physics of future quantum-based information technologies, Poland

The main aim is to conduct the state-of-the-art research by 12 young scientists during the preparation of their PhD theses. At the same time the programme aims at intensifying international cooperation of the Polish research units. Within the scope of the programme the Foundation covers the stipends for PhD students and research grants including the costs resulting from international cooperation.


The project is planned for 12 PhD students.

The succesful candidate will receive personal stipends amounting to 3000 PLN a month.
During the visit at partner laboratories abroad the stipend will be increased up to 4500 PLN.
Those Phd students who need additional social security will receive additional 500 PLN
to cover the latter costs.

Successful candidates will undersign separate agreements with Foundation for Polish Science which will supply the stipends directly to PhD students.

Research grant

The project includes a research grant not exceeding 35 000 PLN yearly/per person (each PhD student). These funds are used for international cooperation (costs of travel), research apparata, computers, office materials, and others.


The project is run in University of Gdańsk by two Institutes:
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics)
Institute of Experimental Physics
The adress of both institutes is: ul. Wita Stwosza 57, 80-952 Gdańsk, POLAND

The candidates - what is expected ?

The project is addressed, first of all, to graduates of physics and technical physics. On the other hand, the candidates who studied mathematics, biophysics, computer science, astrophysics, astronomy may also be candidates. We welcome open-minded people.

The project is devoted to very modern applications of the quantum mechanics. Therefore, it is expected that the candidates would have good understanding of quantum mechanics. There are, however theoreticaal and experimental subproject, so there is no needed to be scared.

We believe that well-motivated candidates can learn fast and get the necessary knowledge quite quickly. If necessary we shall try to be not only scientific supervisors but also mentors and techers. Seminars and other activities would allow the candidates to refresh the necessary grasp of physics and quantum mechanics.

The project is “international”. Thus, good command of English is required. It is necessary to communicate with foreign collaborators, to study the literature (in fact, there are essentially no source in the language other than English).

Finally, the LaTeX (or equivalent) typesetting method seems to be a standard. It is expected that the candidates would possess the knowledge of this method of preparing the publication of their results.

The first recruitment is planned to occur in the end of June 2010. It is estimated that 6 candidates will be accepted. The second recruitment is planned at the end of the first reporting period, that is, at most, in mid-September 2010. The full recruitment should be ended At the end of September. The candidates will receive the first stipend in October 2010 (the last month of the first reporting period).

More information: Aneta Michałkiewicz, PhD
tel. +48 22 423 14 06 , +48 22 424 03 06 e-mail:


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