Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Home Scholarship Business Achievement Award

This award recognizes members who excel in the study of business. First place winner will receive $2,000 (USD), second place winner will receive $1,500 (USD) and third place winner will receive $1,000 (USD).

Eligibility Details:

Undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate members who are currently enrolled in classes in a degree-granting program may apply.

Criteria Details:
Academic achievement, quality of paper submitted.

Application Requirement Details:

1. A business related paper/report you have prepared. The submission must not exceed 10,000 words.
2. A letter of recommendation from a professor in the discipline.
3. A current and comprehensive official academic transcript.

Application Deadline:
Application Deadline is March 1, 2011

Further Details:
For further information aboutTautan this scholarship visit below link.


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