University Medical Center Groningen
The University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands is offering various “Ubbo Emmius” PhD-scholarships. Candidates are hereby invited to apply for the position with vacancy number “UE-vac-10″ with the following description.
Various prevalent hearing disorders in elderly people crucially involve neural mechanisms in the brain. For instance, in tinnitus (ringing in the ears), abnormal interactions between auditory and non-auditory brain areas are believed to cause the perception of phantom sounds. In presbyacusis (hearing loss) or deafness, deprivation of acoustic input may result in abnormal cross-modal plastic reorganization. Novel fMRI neuroimaging and neurovisualization methods can identify anatomical and functional connectivity patterns throughout the brain, even during rest. The candidate will investigate these methods and apply them to study ageing-related hearing complaints, like tinnitus and severe hearing loss, and their underlying neural mechanisms.
The applicant may express his/her interest in this position before 01 May 2009, and will subsequently have the opportunity to submit a research proposal, together with the principal investigators. More information about the application procedure is available from the website
( or from the principal investigators prof. dr. Pim van Dijk
(”>p.van.dijk and dr. Dave Langers (”>d.r.m.langers