Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Awards 2010- Epilespy

Job description: The 2010 OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Awards are proud to offer up to 14, $1,000 scholarships to students across Ontario, who are affected by epilepsy. This year we would like to extend the OBCL Scholarship Awards by offering four additional awards for individuals whose lives have been impacted by epilepsy.

Students will now have the opportunity to apply for four new awards – the Margaret Burka Memorial Grant, the Award of Excellence, the Continuing Studies Award and the Artistic Merit Award in addition to the up to 10 OBCL scholarships awarded annually. These new scholarship are intended to offer opportunities for students previously ineligible for our OBCL Scholarship Awards.

Description of the New Awards:

Margaret Burka Memorial Grant:

This grant is awarded to a student that does not have epilepsy, but is living with the epilepsy of a loved one. This award is intended for an individual who has a loved one, such as a sibling or parent, who has been diagnosed with epilepsy. We understand that epilepsy affects the family as a whole. We are interested in hearing from family members or caregivers whose lives have been changed because of epilepsy. We want to recognize supportive family members and acknowledge how integral these individuals are in the lives of those diagnosed with epilepsy.

Award of Excellence:

This scholarship is awarded to an exceptional individual who has confronted remarkable barriers in their academic and personal lives due to epilepsy, and succeeded. These barriers have likely had an impact on their ability to achieve academic success and in some cases, stood in the way of their academic learning. We invite those who have encountered challenges meeting grade requirements in school to share how they dealt with these obstacles and contined their academic studies.

Continuing Studies Award:

This award is given to an individual, over the age of 21 years, who would like to further their post-secondary education. This award is specifically for adult learners pursuing professional development or re-training. The Continuing Studies Award is intended to encourage individuals who would like to further their education, through career development or career change courses.

Artistic Merit Award:

This award is given to an individual whose strength lies in artistic & visual creative expression. Instead of writing an essay, the applicant will submit an artistic representation of themselves and their own experiences of epilepsy. Possible submissions could include a storyboard, or poster utilizing photographs, collages, drawings, a web site, short video, etc. We would like to encourage individuals who might not consider writing to be their strength, to represent their life with epilepsy in a creative way.

Application Deadline: May 31, 2010

Mail the application form and all requested documents to Epilepsy Ontario:

Contact Us:

OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Awards
Epilepsy Ontario
308-1 Promenade Circle

Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 4P8

Phd programme Frontiers in Life Sciences

job description; The international interdisciplinary PhD program “Frontiers in Life Sciences” (French acronym: FdV, for Frontières du Vivant), established in 2006 aims at promoting research projects centered on an understanding of Life requiring the blending of different disciplines.

The graduate school recruits students from all over the world that were trained in any discipline (natural sciences, humanities, medicine…). Partner institutions and foundations ensure the long-term continuation of the program and the international character of the recruitment. In addition, special budget will be devoted to promote students scientific life.

The FdV PhD program accommodates students and visiting professors at the heart of Paris, in FdV-dedicated teaching facilities organized to maximize intellectual exchanges.

The FdV PhD program is part of the “Liliane Bettencourt program” created and funded by the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation to help creative and talented students develop their PhD in an environment as enrichSTUDENTS :

Application deadline : 30 April 2010ing as the best world graduate programs.

Contact us: Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI)
Medicine Faculty, site Cochin Port-Royal
Paris Descartes University
24, rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques
75014 Paris, France

PhD Scholarships in Economics at SSUP Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy Read more:

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (thereafter, the ‘School’), together with the University of Strasbourg, announces for the Academic Year 2010-2011 a public competition for 4 positions supported by a grant to attend the International Doctoral Program in Economics.

The School reserves the possibility of accepting up to a maximum of 2 further students without grant or other forms of financial support.

The aim of the program, in line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, is to provide a training path oriented both at research activities and at professional careers in the private and public sectors, involving structured courses and supervised research yielding an original dissertation to be discussed in a public examination.

The program lasts three-years and is offered by an international faculty composed of both internal faculty of the School and of the University of Strasbourg and a large group of Visiting Scholars. The Program, offered jointly with the University of Strasbourg, is part of a European ‘Network of Excellence’ – involving the Universities of Sussex, Aalborg, Manchester, Paris XIII, Oslo, and several others, supporting exchanges of research students and faculty.

At the successful completion of the Program, the School awards the student with the PhD (Philosophy Doctor) Degree.

Applicants must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) or equivalent title. There is no restriction on nationality of origin.

Candidates are requested to apply online at:

by May 13, 2010 by 12.00 pm GMT. In case of any problem with the online application, please contact the Ph.D.Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883.383/335/ 220, e-mail: infophd[at]

A hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate) together with the enclosures as per art. 7, must reach by May 20, 2010.

Scuola Superiore Sant`Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
International Doctoral Program in Economics
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
I – 56127 PISA, Italy

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